The practice operates an appointment system only, with one appointment per person. We are continuing to experience unprecedented demand on the primary care services both locally and throughout the region.
The practice operates an appointment system only, with one appointment per person. We are continuing to experience unprecedented demand on the primary care services both locally and throughout the region.
Monday to Friday
8.30 AM – up to 10.30AM
Telephone number: 028 90647158
Patients can speak to a doctor by telephoning or online to request a call back. A GP will phone you back and agree with you how best to manage your condition.
To register for online Patient Access, please contact a member or reception staff.
Once the safe capacity for appointments has been reached the doctors will only be able to deal with very urgent problems that cannot wait until the next day.
The Practice Nurses are available by appointment:
Monday to Friday
9:00AM -12:20PM
2:00PM – 5:30PM
The length of all appointments is 10 minutes.
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please let us know – someone else may be able to use it.
If you are too ill to come to the surgery a home visit can be requested by telephone, when the receptionist will ask you to provide details of your symptoms. Requests for house calls should be made, whenever possible, before 10.00 AM, so that unnecessary delays are prevented. Please do not abuse this service, as it is reserved for housebound and chronically ill patients and in cases of medical emergency.
In case of a medical emergency from 12:30-2pm, please ring the surgery and you will be able to speak to a doctor-on-call.
When you need urgent medical treatment please telephone (028) 90 796220 and you will be directed to the Out of Hours Doctor.
Prescriptions may be requested online or by telephone using the direct telephone line
(028) 9694 4000. Kindly allow 2 working days to be delivered to your chosen pharmacy.
Urgent prescriptions and hospital scripts will be issued on the same day.
To register for online Patient Access, please contact a member or reception staff.